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IEEE Student Branch UCET IUB held a virtual SPAx event

 IEEE Student Branch UCET IUB SPAx Event  IEEE Student Branch UCET IUB SPAx Event

From 14th January, 2020 to 16th January, 2020 IEEE Student Branch UCET IUB held a virtual SPAx event.

The 3-day event, held at auditorium Faculty of Engineering IUB, included four seminars:

  • Professional Ethics – This seminar was on professional ethics. The speaker shared his own experience and real-life examples.
  • The second day featured two seminars, Mock Interviews and CV Workshop, in which students took part in activities and learned about CV making and interviews, and the second seminar was Effective Leadership Skills.
  • The last seminar, A Professional Adventure: Search for a Job, was arranged on the third day in which students interacted with the speaker to discuss their queries about job hunting and workplace behaviors.