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Form an IEEE Student Branch

An IEEE Student Branch provides opportunities to meet and learn from fellow IEEE Student and Graduate Student Members and engage with professional IEEE members locally. An active IEEE Student Branch can be one of the most positive elements of your academic career, offering programs, activities, and professional networking opportunities that build critical skills outside of the classroom. IEEE currently has Student Branches at thousands of universities and colleges in hundreds of countries throughout the world.

Getting Started
The first step in forming an IEEE Student Branch is to complete the online Petition Form. You will need to have faculty and department support as well as signatures of at least twelve (12) active IEEE Student and/or Graduate Student Members.

Already have a Student Branch? You can form a Student Branch Chapter or Student Branch Affinity Group.

Get Started


  • The key to success

    The key to running a successful Student Branch is in the administration. There are several key positions: the Branch Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary), the Branch Counselor (or Faculty Advisor), and the subcommittee Chairs. While each has somewhat different duties, it is important to work together as a team. All officers should be aware of the benefits of IEEE membership.

    IEEE Offerings
    Participation in regional conferences, workshops, and competitions

    • Development of leadership, interpersonal and team building skills
    • Participation in awards, scholarships and project/design programs and student paper contests
    • Access IEEE online services and resources
    • Materials designed to promote IEEE membership and its services
  • Explore the benefits

    The key to running a successful Student Branch is in the administration. There are several key positions: the Branch Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary), the Branch Counselor (or Faculty Advisor), and the subcommittee Chairs. While each has somewhat different duties, it is important to work together as a team. All officers should be aware of the benefits of IEEE membership.