At the beginning of September 2020, IEEE Student Branch Mar Athanasius College of Engineering held a virtual SPAx event.
On 4 September 2020, they held the webinar, “Should You Go For an Advanced Degree” delivered by Mr. Abhijith Asok. He gave the participants a clear idea of why, when, where, and what degree to opt for higher education. He also suggested various funding options and numerous scholarships that can be obtained for an advanced degree.
On 9 September 2020, they held another webinar, presented by Mr. Kundan P Kumar. Through this webinar, Mr. Kundan P Kumar discussed the main examinations which we can attend after earning a Bachelor of Technology. These include GATE, MBA Entrance exams, PSC, SSC, and exams in banking sectors. He informed the audience that for a B.Tech Graduate, the most prime and important one among these is GATE. He also discussed MBA entrances such as CAT, CMAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP.