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Student Branch Resources

On this page:

Training and Student Branch Management
Funding Opportunities
Student Activities
Communication Resources
Technical Resources
Membership Tools and Resources

Training and Student Branch Management

Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE): The Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) offers a “one stop” training solution designed to serve the multiple and diverse range of IEEE user communities.

Student Branch Officer Training: a 1-hour recorded training session that explains the role and responsibilities of IEEE Student Branch officers as well as resources, tools, and best practices for Student Branches.

Student Branch Counselor Training: A 1-hour training that explains the role and responsibilities of an IEEE Student Branch Counselor and shares resources to help Student Branch Counselors support their students and Student Branch.

Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Operations Manual: Detailed information regarding IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) governance, policies, geographic unit operations, and committee reporting structure. Information about Student Branches can be found in Section 9.8.

Geographic Unit Formations & Petitions: Learn more about how to form a Student Branch, Student Branch Chapter, or Student Branch Affinity Group.

IEEE Officer Qualifications: Always verify that the members you are trying to recruit for Officer positions are eligible to hold office. This applies to all positions except Webmaster (anyone may hold that position).

IEEE Volunteering: Through this platform, IEEE members can advertise and search for volunteering opportunities, whether short- or long-term, local or remote, or requiring different skills.

Funding Opportunities

Student Branch Rebates: Student Branches are eligible for a rebate if they have at least one active Officer reported in vTools Officer Reporting, submit an Annual Plan for the upcoming year through vTools Student Branch Reporting by 1 February annually, and report four (4) or more events held in the previous year in vTools Events.

SPAx: This program offers opportunities for Student Branches to get funding for professional awareness programs.

STEP Events: The Student Transition and Elevation Partnership (STEP) was developed to provide a dynamic program for facilitating the transition from Student member to young professional by introducing the opportunities and benefits of IEEE membership during the onset of a STEM career. Connect with your local Young Professionals Affinity Group to find out more.

EPICS in IEEE: An IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) program and committee that supports service-learning projects that advance technology and benefit humanity through funding, resources and mentorship.

STEM Grant: Designed to support your STEM outreach work in your community, so that you may Share, Give Back and Inspire. In doing so, you are partnering with other IEEE members who, like you, are interested in finding ways to introduce pre-university students to IEEE’s fields of interest.

Tech4Good: The IEEE Tech4Good program offers funding opportunities to support grassroots technological projects, led by IEEE members, that address local challenges related to sustainable development.

Society Funding: Student Branch Chapters can contact their sponsoring Society(ies) for additional funding.

Women in Engineering (WIE) Funding: WIE Student Branch Affinity Groups can contact WIE for initial funding and special funding.

IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu Student Chapter Support Grant: The objective of this program is to support your Chapter as you create and implement activities such as community service, academic support, or Chapter-building activities. Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Section Funding: Student Branches can request additional funding and support from their parent Section. Find contact information for your Section through the IEEE Rosters.

Industry Partnerships: Watch a training on engaging industry and find resources from the Industry Engagement Committee.

Student Activities

Student Activities Committee (SAC) Awards: IEEE has created several Student Branch Awards to recognize and reward the efforts of Student Branch volunteers and members.

The Virtual Speakers Bureau (VSB): Request a free Virtual Speaker from the IEEE network and they will give an interactive virtual presentation to your IEEE Student Branch. Choose from over 300 technical and professional topics delivered in 17 different languages.

IEEEXtreme: A global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members compete against each other to solve a set of programming problems in 24 hours.

IEEE Potentials: A publication dedicated to undergraduate and graduate students and young professionals.

Communication Resources

Student Branch Leadership Newsletter: This newsletter is sent specifically to Student Branch Officers and contains helpful information for Student Branch volunteers. Student Branch officers are automatically added to the distribution list.

Students Quarterly Newsletter: This newsletter is sent to all IEEE Student and Graduate Student members with information and opportunities specifically for students. Active IEEE Student and Graduate Student Members are automatically added to the distribution list.

IEEE Students Facebook: The official Facebook page for the IEEE Students program. Follow to get important updates and opportunities for Student members.

IEEE Students Instagram: The official Instagram for the IEEE Students program. Follow to get important updates and opportunities for Student members.

Collabratec Global Student Exchange: A communication forum for Student Members globally

eNotice: IEEE eNotice is an electronic newsletter subscription service that has been developed for IEEE organizational units to facilitate email distribution of newsletters, meeting notices and IEEE conference materials.

Why IEEE Communication Bundles for Students and Young Professionals: These packages provide marketing materials to deliver a high quality and consistent look, feel, and message about the value of IEEE for each group. Note, you must be an active IEEE volunteer to access these resources.

IEEE Brand Identity Guidelines: These guidelines were created to unify these diverse communications and to help them to represent IEEE as a focused, forward-looking, dynamic organization. By downloading any of the Toolkit’s contents, users are agreeing to abide by the IEEE Master Brand and Brand Identity Toolkit Agreement.

Student Visual Identity Toolkit: The IEEE Students Visual Identity Guidelines has a number of print-ready and editable versions of collateral templates and visuals that have been created for use.

Technical Resources

IEEE Collabratec: An integrated online community where technology professionals can network, collaborate, and create in one central hub. Connect with your Section through the Section/Student Branch gateway, connect with other members through Communities, or collaborate with your Branch volunteers in workspaces.

vTools Applications: This IEEE volunteer tools (vTools) site provides information on a wide range of tools developed by volunteers for IEEE members and IEEE volunteers. The toolbox simplifies organizational efforts and administration by offering web-based software in order to reduce time spent on managing local activities and to assist in member development.

Email Alias: Request an email alias for your Student Branch. Student Branch emails should follow the format of

vTools Knowledge Base: View tutorials for all vTools Applications.

Web Hosting: This service is intended to meet the needs of IEEE Organizational Units that want to develop, create, and maintain their own websites on an IEEE host.

Membership Tools and Resources

Membership Development Materials: Student Branch Chairs can order membership development materials to help with recruitment and membership drives.

OU Analytics: Student Branch Chairs and Counselors can view membership information for their Student Branch.

IEEE Rosters: Student Branch Chairs and Counselors can find contact information for all IEEE volunteers.

Membership Validator: IEEE Volunteers can validate an individual’s membership status with IEEE.

Group Payment Option: Submit one payment for multiple individuals joining or renewing their IEEE membership(s).